The Dark Arts
Drama Angst
Multiple Eras
Published: 02/16/2004
Updated: 10/17/2006
Words: 19,390
Chapters: 7
Hits: 2,798

Defying the Fates


Story Summary:
The Fates had dealt with her family harshly. She decided to change Fate.

Chapter 02

Chapter Summary:
Fate had dealt her family a harsh blow and she was determined to change Fate. In this chapter we learn more about the youngest Snape

Chapter 2

"The first week over," sighed Pomona Sprout, rubbing her neck. "I am getting too old for this."

"I disagree. I find the return of the children is like a youth potion," said Dumbledore, who had just entered, leaning heavily on his staff. The old Headmaster walked slowly over to a chair and lowered himself into it with a sigh, his bright blue eyes sparkling. Age had taken its toll on the wizard, resulting in a bowed back, an ear trumpet and ridiculously thick glasses, yet his mind was still sharp as ever. After the war had ended twelve years ago, Albus had announced that he would retire the following year. That year had came and gone but Albus had stayed on..

The staff meeting came to order. The House heads gave their reports of anything unusual or even rather ordinary.

"Same stories," Professor Sinistra, Head of Ravenclaw said. "One girl cried non-stop for three nights, wanting to go home."

"I had a sleep-walker," said Sprout.

Classes were discussed next. "I have already given a detention," Minerva said, her eyes sparkling at Hermione.

"Alex?" Hermione guessed.

"Yes, insolent whelp," Minerva said fondly. "He fell asleep in Transfiguration class Wednesday. When I had asked him why, he informed me he already knew the subject I was discussing and didn't need to hear it again."

"I am sorry, Minerva," Hermione apologized.

Minerva laughed. "The problem was that he did know the subject I was lecturing on and when I questioned him after class he was able to recite the lecture almost verbatim. I was ready to forgo punishment when he smirked at me and said, 'I told you'."

Several teachers were chuckling as Hermione blushed in anger. Rarely did a student smart off to the stern Transfiguration professor.

"I had him write lines for two hours that evening," Minerva continued. "Afterwards he told me he was sorry. He is going to be a heartbreaker, Hermione," she said warmly. "Who couldn't forgive that face?"

Hermione frowned. "I will have a word with him."

"No, my dear," Emma said firmly. "As he is in my house, I will speak to him if his behavior continues."

"But," Hermione looked to Minerva for help.

"Emma is correct, Hermione. Alex is a bit too comfortable with the staff. Only natural, having grown up within these walls. You are going to be treated like any other parent. We will 'owl' you if and when there is a serious problem." She smiled kindly at Hermione.

Hermione nodded. "I understand."

Dumbledore sat quietly studying Hermione before he spoke. "I am confident young Alex will prove to be a model student in time. Just like his mother.."


Harry was sitting on a bench at the Quidditch pitch enjoying the warm September sun Saturday morning. Gryffindor tryouts for a new Beater and Chaser would begin in a few minutes. Adrien was trying out for Chaser and Harry wanted to be there for support. He shielded his eyes with his hand and squinted at the castle, hoping for some glimpse of Hermione.

"Mum will be here, won't she?" asked Adrien, who was sitting beside Harry, chewing on his lower lip nervously.

"I am sure she will," Harry said kindly. "Do you remember everything we practiced over the summer?"

"I think so, Uncle Harry, I mean Professor," Adrien said sheepishly. Harry put a comforting hand on the boy's shoulder.

"I am Uncle Harry," he assured him. "Except in class."

Adrien smiled weakly.

Studying the boy, Harry felt a tug at his heart. He and Alex had been essentially fatherless these last eleven years, though all the staff at Hogwarts had adopted them. Even Filch, the cranky caretaker, had been known to bring the boys a bag of sweets when they were young.

Adrien was his father made over in appearance; thin, with slightly rounded shoulders, prominent nose and fine black hair that gave his mother fits trying to keep it clean. Harry often wondered if Severus had been so shy as a child. Though brilliant in his classes, Adrien would pale and tremble when called upon. So unlike his brother, who almost swaggered with self-confidence.

"Adrien Snape," called the Gryffindor team captain, a tall blonde girl with short-cropped hair. "You're next."

"Good luck," Harry said giving Adrien a thumbs-up. "Remember to keep your knees pulled in."

The boy nodded, looking green around the mouth. He looked towards the castle before mounting his broom.

'Damn it, Hermione', Harry thought. 'Couldn't you pretend to be interested in him for once?' He felt guilty as he thought this. Still, he couldn't help but think this way. Over the years, Hermione had shown favoritism to her youngest. No one could blame her. Alex was her last child and in spite of her steadfast determination that one day her husband would recover, he would probably be her last.

Harry sighed and ran a hand through his hair, making it stand on end. He watched the team go through the maneuvers, silently cheering Adrien as he passed the quaffle to a teammate.

"He's doing well, isn't he?" asked a soft voice behind him.

"Hermione," Harry said, his smile broad and relieved. "I am so glad you made it in time. Yes, he is."

Hermione sat down beside her friend and watched her son flying high overhead.

"He was afraid you wouldn't come."

"I debated about it," Hermione said truthfully. Harry's smile faded. "But you truly have rocks in your head, Harry Potter, if you think I would disappoint my son." The grin reappeared.

"He wants this very much," Harry told her.

"I know," Hermione sighed. "I do hope he gets picked although I don't know how I shall manage without his help."

Taking her hand, Harry nodded. "I will help you and I will not take no for an answer."

"You have enough to do with grading and ..."

"And your son needs to be a child," he said quietly. His eyes met hers in silent sympathy.

It hadn't taken long for the small amount of money Severus had saved through the years to be depleted after his tragedy. The cost of the elixir that kept his body alive and functioning was more than Hermione's monthly teaching salary. She had pawned everything of value those first years, even her wedding ring, yet she stubbornly refused Harry's offers of money.

A solution had been provided by a kindly healer at St Mungo's, who had watched the young woman struggle, visiting her husband nightly on the Permanent Spell Damaged Ward, exhausted from caring for two sons and teaching. He had trained Hermione on how to take care of Severus, so she could take him back to Hogwarts and offered to trade the supply of elixirs and potions she needed for Severus for medical potions she was qualified to make. Over the years, Hermione had learned how to create the things she needed for Severus except for the Elixir of Life. Her weekends were spent fulfilling the orders of potions in exchange for the most precious potion, Adrien helping her.

They sat in silence, watching the team. Adrien missed the quaffle and Harry groaned. As the boy raced towards the ground to catch the falling quaffle, he glanced towards the bench. His worried, pale face broke into a grin at the sight of Hermione and he caught the ball deftly, as she waved at him.

The rest of the tryout went smoothly. The team landed and Adrien ran over to them. "How'd I do, Uncle Harry?" he asked breathlessly, though his eyes were on his mum.

"Excellent! I do believe you were the best out of the bunch." Adrien flushed with pleasure.

"You were wonderful, sweetheart," Hermione said, kissing his sweaty cheek.

"Mum," he protested, though his grin widened. He sat down between Hermione and Harry and watched the next student's tryout. After the final person's turn, Adrien joined the others as the team formed a huddle, discussing who would be chosen.

Harry knew the moment he saw Adrien's face light up that he had been chosen. The boy raced over to them moments later. "I made it!"

"Congratulations," Harry said shaking his hand.

"I am proud of you," Hermione said smiling.

"Thanks mum, Uncle Harry. They are having practice now. See you later." He turned and ran back over to the team.

Hermione shook her head. "Time to get back to work."

Putting his arm around her shoulders, Harry walked with her. "So, how many coffee breaks will I be having?" he teased, as she punched him playfully in the stomach.


The Slytherin Common Room was buzzing that evening. The first years were comparing notes and getting advice from older students. A game of Exploding Snap by the fireplace had a group of second-years howling with laughter.

"Hey, Snape."

Alex glanced around and saw Thomas Flint approaching with his sister and several other third year boys. "You are in my seat," he said with a malicious grin.

Giving him a disinterested look, Alex turned back to his friend.

"Are you deaf, Snape?"

"Bugger off, Flint. I don't see your name anywhere."

Flint shoved a second year girl aside as he strode over to stand in front of Alex. "Think you're something special, don't you Snape."

"No," Alex said calmly.

"Just because you grew up here, you think you are the prince of the castle," Flint said. Several of his mates snickered.

"Go fuck yourself, Flint," Alex said coldly.

"Oh, what would your mum say if she heard her itty bitty baby saying such words?"

Alex's friend whimpered as one of the third years cracked his knuckles.

"Listen, Snape, Slytherin has won the House Cup for the last three years and I don't want a toe rag like you mucking it up for us. Rose told me how many House points you lost for us last week."

"And did she also tell you how many of those points I had earned?" Alex smirked. "Seems to me it evened out."

"You arrogant little snot. Don't know how you ever got put in Slytherin," Flint snarled.

"His father was once Head of Slytherin," Alex's friend, Emmett squeaked.

"Yeah. He belongs here," agreed another first year.

"Severus Snape," Flint said smugly, "was a traitor and a disgrace to the name of Slytherin."

Alex slowly rose to his feet. "Watch what you say," he warned.

Flint laughed. "Defending your useless father? No true Slytherin would stoop so low as to shag a mudblood, especially one as ugly as your mum."

"Shut your gob," Alex hissed, pulling out his wand.

"Or what? Ickle first year going to cast Lumos at me?" Flint pulled out his own wand. Students scrambled out of the way as the two boys faced each other." He deserved it, you know. He got what was coming to him for his betrayal."

"Last chance, Flint," Alex said quietly.

Flint laughed and lowered his wand, only to raise it quickly.

"Petrificus Totalus!" Flint shouted.


The spell bounded off the shield spell, hitting Rose. Her limbs went stiff and she fell face forward as several students gasped and pointed.

"You will pay for that," Flint roared, casting another spell.

A volley of spells caught Flint. When the sparks had faded he was lying beside his sister, his face covered in boils, stupefied. Alex turned his wand on the other third years.

"Come on," he said softly.

"What is going on here?"

Professor Vector stood in the entrance her face flushed in anger.

"It was Snape," one of Flint's cronies said. "Attacked Rose for no reason and when Tom tried to ask him why, turned on him."

"Not true!" Emmett countered. "Flint was trying to bully Alex and said nasty things about his parents."

A chorus of voices argued. "Silence!" Emma said sternly. "Snape, did you do this to Flint?"

"I did," Alex said. His jaw was set, his dark eyes looking directly into hers.

Emma studied the prone form of Flint for a moment. "Alex. I do not like being lied to. Who cast the Stupefy charm on him?"

"I told you," Alex said defiantly. "I did."

"Nonsense. You are too young." Emma looked around the room. "Who did this?"

"Snape." said several students.

Emma frowned at them. "I will get to the bottom of this and the culprit will be severely punished. Finite incantatem. Enervate." Emma released the two Flints from their jinxes. Rose started crying.

"Enough," Emma demanded, as several students snickered. "Thomas Flint, explain."

Flint told the professor that Alex had been tormenting his sister and then someone had hit him with the Stupefy charm. His smiled slyly when he saw Alex's dark look.

"Very well," she said when he had finished. "I want everyone here to hear me. We do not, I repeat, do not attack another student no matter how provoked. Do you understand me?"

The students nodded. "Snape. You will come with me."

Alex eyed Flint dangerously as he followed Professor Vector.


Professor Vector took her seat behind her desk. Her office had once belonged to the boy's father and had been filled with potion ingredients. Now complicated numerical charts filled the walls between mirrors and portraits..

"Mr. Snape, I find it hard to believe that you cast the spells at Mr. Flint. However, for now I will take your word on it if you will enlighten me.. What spells are you able to perform?"

Alex paled and looked away.

"I am not going to punish you for your knowledge, Alex," she said gently. "I only want to know for educational purposes."

Looking at her, Alex took a deep breath and told her.

"Who taught you these spells?" Emma asked, astounded, as Alex shifted his weight from foot to foot.

"I taught myself."

"Really? A most remarkable feat. Are you positive someone didn't help you?"

Alex looked at his feet. "My brother, sometimes."

"I honestly doubt your brother has mastered those spells."

Alex shrugged.

Professor Vector studied the boy for a minute. "No matter. Now, about the incident in the common room. You are not to attack another house member...."

"But he told me my dad deserved what happened to him!" Alex said angrily..

"Do not interrupt, Mr. Snape. You will treat your fellow Slytherins with respect and if they should taunt you, I suggest you try turning a deaf ear."

Alex glared at her.

"You will write a one foot essay on the proper behavior of students at Hogwarts to be handed into me Monday morning. Tomorrow afternoon you will join Mr. Filch for detention."

"Yes ma'am."

"I trust there will be no repeat of today. You are dismissed."

After Alex had left, Emma sat tapping her fingers on the chair's arm. If what he had told her was the truth about his spell casting ability...well, she intended to find out.

Author notes: Thanks to DameNiamh for betaing and you for reviewing!