Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter
Angst General
Multiple Eras
Published: 12/05/2003
Updated: 09/28/2008
Words: 47,881
Chapters: 26
Hits: 9,641



Story Summary:
Sequel to "Change of Hearts." Here we find out how Harry's dealing with the loss of Draco, the knowledge of a new student, and a phone call from Hermione. And we meet Lita. A half-elf whom everyone seems to love. She talks to her Advanced DADA teacher about a foreign exchange trip to Hogwarts, and lets her best friend in on the secret. They squeal, they jump, they talk about Harry Potter.

Chapter 20

Chapter Summary:
Lita tells Harry that she's still got feelings for him. Harry does something he shouldn't and then goes to the Leaky Cauldron only to find a very angry Jeff and a Hermione with a secret.
Author's Note:
I know, it's been forever on this fic. I'm really really sorry. I'll try to do better, I really will. I'm going to be moving and when I do, I'll definately be able to get these out more.

Chapter 20


Jeff was not home when Harry arrived Sunday night with our child. He'd said he didn't want to be here for it, not wanting to see Harry after what had happened between us over the weekend. I don't really blame him, not after what had happened.... I should have thought before I opened my big mouth.

We sat in my living room while Lamia played in her room. We drank coffee as I tried to find the words to tell Harry what I needed to tell him. I knew what he needed to defeat Voldemort, but the question was: could we actually do it?

"Harry," I said finally, "I know how to help you. I am going to give you some of my magic, some of my -elven magic. It's permanent, so you'll always have my abilities. You'll be half elf, in a sense. Probably more like Lamia than me, but you'll be an empath, you'll be able to heal someone's heart, and you'll understand the language in ways you never dreamed about. Messages can be sent and heard on the wind, and saying I love you takes on a whole new meaning," I finished looking at the ring on my finger.

Harry sighed and sat back in the chair. "Really?" he asked.

I nodded and stared at the dark liquid in my coffee mug.

"So how does this happen?" he asked.

"A spell," I answered. "It's not too complicated, only an elf--or someone of elven decent--can do it. And only on one condition."

"And that is?" he asked.

I sighed. Here goes nothing....

"Absolute, unconditional, pure love."

"From both of us?" he asked.

I shook my head. "Just from me."

"So can you do it?" he asked. "Can we do this, or am I going to lose?"

"I can do it," I answered softly.

I chanced a glance up at him, his eyebrows were up, hidden under the hair that he'd let grow out after school. "Are you saying that you still love me?" he asked.

I nodded, looking away from him.

I heard a voiceless laugh escape him.

"What?" I demanded. "You think it's funny?"

"No," he said seriously. "In fact, it's just the opposite. I'm glad."

"Why?" I asked. This didn't make any sense.

He placed his mug on the coffee table and got up to walk around it. He knelt down in front of me and reached up to cup my cheek in his hand. Then, he brought my face down to his, and his lips were on mine. We were kissing again. Merlin, I missed this....


I left soon after that, feeling it was past time that I head back home. I couldn't believe that I kissed her.... What was wrong with me? Why did I feel this need to torture us like this? Being with Lita...it only led to heartache.

I didn't go straight home; I couldn't, not feeling this way. Draco would know something was wrong, and it would all come out, and Lita would lose Jeff, I would lose Draco, and Lamia would lose so much more than we would. She'd be losing her dad, and her step-father. I couldn't allow that to happen.

And obviously I couldn't go without Lita right now either. If she knows how to make it so I can defeat Voldemort, she's invaluable to me. I can't let her get hurt, I can't lose her, and I can't go without her. I want her to be there when Voldemort and I do finally face off for the last time, though I don't know why. There's something about her and I know she'll be one of the best fighters there. She has so many reasons for it--her mother for instance....

I went to the Leaky Cauldron, and found Jeff, much to my surprise. He was sitting at the bar, downing shot after shot of what looked like firewiskey.

"Hey," I said walking up to him.

He looked over at me briefly before turning back to his drink. "What do you want?" he demanded bitterly.

"What's wrong?" I asked. He's never been like this, not in the last three years.

"She still loves you, and yet she's bound to me by the magic of her people," he sighed. "She wants you, you're with Draco, and yet, I think you want her as well. I've become a chore for her. I'm a chore that she hates. And it's all because of you."

I shifted on my feet slightly. So this is what's wrong. Their marriage...it's already falling apart.

"I'm sorry...." It's all I could say, and I know that it meant shit to him. I don't know what to say or do; I don't even know how I'm supposed to react to this.

"Why don't you do me a favor and fuck my wife a few times," he spat. "Maybe then you'll both remember what you've got."

He stood up and walked out of the pub through the door that led to that little courtyard. I sighed and sat down on the stool he had previously been occupying. I grabbed the shot he had left and drank it before slamming the glass back on the counter.

"What's wrong?" Tom, the innkeeper asked me.

"Nothing, Tom," I answered. Telling Tom could be just like telling the entire wizarding world that I was the cause of my child's mother's marriage falling apart. Not something I really want right now.

"Harry?" I heard a voice ask from behind me. I turned around and saw, much to my surprise and joy, Hermione standing behind me.

"Hermione!" I cried standing. I wrapped my arms around her, happy to see her after not having done so in three months.

"How are you?" she asked.

"Been better," I confessed as we let each other go. "You?" I asked.

"Well, I have some news," she said slowly. "And a few other surprises up my sleeve. I was just going into the alley, would you care to join me?"

"I'd love to," I said, grateful for chance to get my mind off of what was going on and the excuse to stay out of the manor of just a little while longer.

"So what's your news?" I asked as we passed through the archway to Diagon Alley.

"You'll see," she said slyly as she headed for Madam Milkins.


"What?" she asked with a smile playing on her features.

"What's going on?" I asked, opening the door to the robe shop.

"Ahh, Miss Granger," Madam Milkin greeted with a smile. "Your dress is nearly ready."

"Good! When can I expect to pick it up?" Hermione asked.

"Friday," the seamstress replied. "I promise I will have it done by then."

"Great. Would you like to come?" Hermione asked. "You've been such a great help, you're welcome to come to the reception if you'd like."

"That would be wonderful! Where is it?"

"The Broomsticks. Next Saturday at eight pm."

"I'll be there."

Hermione smiled brightly. "Great."

"Hermione?" I asked. "What's going on?"

The door opened as she opened her mouth to speak. She looked at the customer and smiled again.

"Alex!" she cried. "You came!"

The man in the doorway smiled and nodded. "I wouldn't miss this for the world," he said. "Is your dress done yet?"

"Friday," Hermione explained. "And I've invited Eve to the reception. If that's alright with you, of course."

The man Hermione was with looked over to Madam Milkin. "You'll be there then?" he asked her.

Madam Milkin nodded and smiled. "I already told Hermione I would be."

I stared at the three of them completely confused. What in the name of Merlin were these people talking about?

Alex looked up at me and his eyes did that familiar tick up to my forehead where my scar was and then he looked at Hermione. "Is this--?"

She smiled. "Alex, I'd like you to meet my best friend, Harry Potter. Harry, this is my fiancé, Alex Martin."

"F-f-fiancé?" I asked, shocked.

Hermione nodded and hugged the man she was with tightly. "We've been together for two years now, and just last month he asked me to marry him."

"Why didn't you say anything before?" I asked, slightly hurt by our lack of communication.

"You've been busy. I keep reading about it. And I've been busy. I'm working as a Charmer for Gringotts."

"That's where I found her," Alex said, taking up where Hermione left off. I went in for a money transfer--wizard to Muggle--and bumped into her."

"Literally," Hermione smiled.

I nodded slowly, trying to take it all in. None of this really made any sense to me. Hermione getting married? How did it happen?


"Mummy, mummy, there's an owl!"

"Coming!" I called.

I walked into the kitchen where my daughter stood looking at the barn owl that stood on the perch with the curiosity of a child. I smiled at her and went for the letter tied to the owl's leg.

I watched the owl take off through the open window as I sat down at the table and broke the red seal on the back of the envelope.

You are cordially invited to the wedding of Missus Hermione Granger and Mister Alex Martin Saturday, June 18th at four o'clock in the afternoon.

I dropped the letter in shock.

"Jeff!" I called, trying to ignore my racing heart beat and the fact that I couldn't seem to get enough air.

"Yes?" my husband called.

"Hermione's getting married!"

"What?" he asked, walking into the room. I picked up the invitation and handed it to him.

"Alex Martin?" he muttered. "That sounds..."

"Familiar?" I asked. "It should."


"NAWT, third year, Catseye champion. He was fifteen at the time and you were hoping to get the shot at competing. Serena was hoping you'd get chosen."

"You two knew about me back then?" he asked.

I chuckled. "Serena was in love with you back then," I revealed. "She grew out of it during our fourth year."

"So what's the deal with this Alex then?" he asked. "Why's he got you on edge?"

I forgot...he turned into an empath with the Binding....

Flash Back

"There he is," my best friend whispered, looking across the courtyard. "The future husband of the elf we all know and love, Mr. Alex Martin."

"Shut up!" I hissed as he began walking towards us.

"What do we have here?" he asked playfully. "I see the girl everyone wants to be Champion and the one who's always got to place people last when she judges. What'll my score be next week?" he asked me. "Will I be first place? Or will I be dropped to last?"

"We'll see," I answered, trying to keep cool. "If you actually manage to impress me, I may just score you higher than I normally do."

"If I kiss you, will that help me?"
End Flash Back

"Lita?" Jeff asked. "Are you listening to a thing I'm saying?"

I shook my head. "Sorry," I whispered. "What were you saying?"

"Are we going or not?" he asked.

"We'll go," I said forcing a smile. "After all, it's not everyday that someone you know gets married."

"Wonder if anyone will walk out this time."