Astronomy Tower
Harry Potter
Angst General
Multiple Eras
Published: 12/05/2003
Updated: 09/28/2008
Words: 47,881
Chapters: 26
Hits: 9,641



Story Summary:
Sequel to "Change of Hearts." Here we find out how Harry's dealing with the loss of Draco, the knowledge of a new student, and a phone call from Hermione. And we meet Lita. A half-elf whom everyone seems to love. She talks to her Advanced DADA teacher about a foreign exchange trip to Hogwarts, and lets her best friend in on the secret. They squeal, they jump, they talk about Harry Potter.

Prophesied Prologue


"Arinlita, see me after class," the blonde Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher whispered before moving on to check on the other students.

"What's she want now, Lita?" my best friend Serena Langaveld asked me.

"No idea. Wait for me."

After class ended, I walked up to the desk. "Yes, Mrs. Smith?"

"Hogwarts is looking for foreign exchange students. As you are the smartest in your year and know just about everyone in all of our North American schools, we think you should sign up for it. Odds are you'll get chosen to go."

I gaped. Did she just say what I think she just said?

"Holy shit," I whispered.

"Language, Lita," she warned.

"Right," I said finally coming back to my senses. "Sorry. Hogwarts?"

"Hogwarts," she nodded in conformation.

Wow, she really did say it. I nodded fervently. "Get me an application.... Please," I remembered to add after a look she shot me.

She smiled. "I knew you wouldn't turn this down."

"What did she say?" Serena asked when I walked out of the classroom.

"I'm going to Hogwarts," I whispered in shock.

"Oh my fucking God. You're going to meet Harry Potter!"

"I know! I can't wait!"

~ * ~ * ~ * ~

Hedwig came back yesterday with a letter from Hermione. I have yet to open it. Knowing her, she's filled it with how sorry she is about--not going to say his name--and she hopes I get over him soon. But of course, it's most defiantly not that easy. It never is. Broken hearts...well, onto other things.

As I tied a letter to Hedwig's leg, the phone downstairs rang. I waited only seconds before Uncle Vernon hollered that it was for me.

I walked out to the table in the hall by my door and picked up the cordless. "Hello?" I asked.

"Hello, Harry." Hermione's voice sounded.

"What's up," I asked trying to sound cheerful. She didn't call unless it was important so I didn't want her to worry about me. She does enough of that already.

"Did you get the Prophet yesterday?" she asked, seemingly believing my charade.

"No, I quit getting it a while ago, you know that."

"I know, but sometimes people change their minds. Anyway, Hogwarts is getting a few new things this year. Besides a new Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher."

"Really?" I asked. "Like what?"

"You didn't pay any attention to Dumbeldore's speech last year did you?" she answered.

"Some of it." The part where he talked about Draco and Pansy, and the part where he awarded the House Cup. That was about it.

"Foreign exchange students, Harry. And Lupin says Dumbeldore is looking for help in the Order."


"That's all he would tell me, and he thinks he told me too much."

"Do we know who our new teacher is?"


"What?" I asked laughing. "That'll be like having a new teacher every day."

She laughed. "No kidding. Can you imagine the looks she might come up with?"

"I could try, but I don't think I'd come close."